Wednesday 23 October 2013


Ensaymada is one of my favourites must-have from the Philippines.  The first time this was introduced to me was by my Filipino colleague, FC and I fell in love with it immediately.

The last time I ate it again was when I was in Jakarta visiting my good buddy who is also my girl's god ma.  She found a Filipina lady who resides there that bakes this.  She ordered a box for me and it tasted actually like my first bite.   
Sadly, shortly after, E left for Canada and only returned to Jakarta recently.  I won't be able to visit her till my girl's PSLE is over!  Arrggh…

So with craving hanging in mid-air, I decided to bake some Ensaymada to satisfying my craving.  I chanced upon a blog that used Goldilock's.

Verdict: The dough turned out extremely wet.  To those who bake bread often, can you tell me whether the liquid ratio is too high?

After kneading with the dough hook for 10 mins, I decided to continue with my hands as I don't want to burn my KA motor the second time.  

It took me quite a while to reduce the wet mess to something manageable but it was still sticky.   By then, my whole work table is splattered with dough, even my hair wasn't spared.  

I couldn't even do that "dimple" test as I couldn't form a bundle.  I was also worried that I might overwork the dough so I took the chance and just gathered it together and set it in a bowl to proof.

During this time, I was crossing my fingers that I hope my arm power won't go to waste.

The dough did double in volume and I was thrilled.  Usually, after the proofing, the dough is very easy to handle but for this recipe, it still sticks.
I was trying to avoid flouring too much as I didn’t want to lose its original texture.
After baking, when I removed the bread from the mould, I knew right away that this bread is going to be really soft and fluffy.
It tasted really like those that I ate before.  Overall, hubby gave a thumbs up for it. 

Yea, I no longer have to wait for hubby to go Philippine now!

Source: Goldilocks Bake Book by Milagros Leelin Yee & Clarita Leelin Go

What you need:

Yield : 18 pcs

8g instant yeast
160g water (80g and 80g)
494g plain flour, sifted ( cup) (after further research, I found that the correct measurement should be 3¾)
71g sugar
2 tsp salt
3 large eggs
68g evaporated milk
75g unsalted butter, melted

Topping: creamed butter, grated cheddar cheese, sugar (to taste)


Dissolve yeast in 80g of water. Set aside.

Whisk sifted plain flour, sugar and salt at low speed until incorporated.

Add the dissolved yeast, remaining water, eggs and evaporated milk.

Using a dough hook, mix for 2 minutes at low speed then mix at medium speed for approximately 4 minutes.  I further knead it by hand until it was less sticky.

Add unsalted butter and continue mixing until dough is elastic and pliable.

Transfer the dough in a greased bowl and cover with cling wrap.  Let the dough rest for about 15 minutes at room temperature.

Punch down the dough and divide it into pieces weighing 60g each.  Shaped into a ball.

Cover the dough and let it rest for 15 minutes.

Roll out the pieces thinly into 8″x5″ rectangles. Brush surface with butter.

Roll into a long rod and twirl into shape, locking ends to seal.

Place each piece in a greased tartlet tin.

Let the dough rise until it doubles in size. (Approximately 1 hour at room temperature)

Bake for 17 minutes at 165ÂșC or until golden in colour.

Let the bread cool then remove it from moulder.

Brush the top of each ensaymada with creamed butter and generously sprinkle with grated cheese and sugar.

To serve, give it a zap in the microwave oven to melt the cheese.

Lesson learnt: I used not grate the cheddar too finely.

NOTE: After further research, I found that the correct measurement for flour shld be 3 3/4 cup of plain flour.



  1. good morning edith, nvr eaten these bread before but the final result of your bread looks nice! i do not really know what is the ratio of liquid..i usually pour water little by little so that it wont be too sticky..considering the butter to be added later..but i remember reading somewhere the wet /liquid ratio for normal sandwich rolls is around 55%

    1. Lena, this bread is very soft and fluffy and when heat up with melted cheese and sugar, it is very delicious and addictive. Will note on the water ratio. Thanks.

  2. Hi Edith!

    What lovely buns. They do look so soft and fluffy. I give you much credit for sticking with it, Edith. I'm just terrible when it comes to anything that involves yeast. I just feel like pinching one:) I bet they are so yummy!

    Thank you so much for sharing...

    1. Louise I was about to succumb by adding more flour but the thought of a fluffy bread prevent me to do so.

  3. burning a KA motor sounds so familiar to me ;) the way you describe this bun makes me crave for one immediately.... i believe you did a fantastic job hand kneading everything together afterwards! kudos to u Edith

    1. Vic, KA motor not very reliable. Thus when making bread, I am very careful coz done it once before.

  4. What beautiful buns you've got there. I've never heard nor eaten them before. Bet they taste yummy.

    1. Thanks Veron. They were. I totally love this bread.

  5. Hi edith. I live in jakarta & craving for ensaymada. My friend brought me some from this wonderful bakery called mary grace in manila. You mentioned you first tasted it from a friend's god ma who lived in jakarta. I wonder if I could order it from her. Please... I'm craving it!!! Hahahaha thanks

    1. Sorry for the delay as I was away for a month. Friend is now in Toronto for Christmas. Will have to wait till she is back in Jkt.


Thanks for dropping by. Thanks.