Thursday 23 July 2020

Sourdough: Sandwich Loaf

My friend, LT gave me some really active starter, decided to try hers today and I shall name her, Baby Sweet as I wanted to turn her into a sweet starter.

I also wanted to try this recipe as the picture looks so inviting.  I wanted to omit some of the sugar but was afraid that it might alter the texture, so I just reduced it a little and also switch to raw sugar instead.

Another reason why I chose CS's recipe because she indicated a time.  I have poor time judgement so her guide really helped me alot.

Learning experience:

All went well until the next morning.  I actually did the final proof in an air-con room and a little over 6 hrs, ended up the dough was overproof.

Remove the extras and unfortunately, deflated a little.   Thankfully, the loaf turned out edible and the texture is soft.  Girl detected a hint of sourness though.

I think I will feed it in the morning instead of the night so that I can be up to monitor the proofing process.

Next round will start feed time at 7am instead.

Levain (5pm feed, 10-11pm ready)
50g starter + 50g flour + 50g water + 25g raw sugar

What you need:

260g bread flour
1 large egg
15g raw sugar
105g milk
5g salt
150g levain (sweet liquid starter from above, use at peak)
25g softened butter

20x10x10cm Pullman loaf tin


Refresh the starter in a mixing bowl.  Cover and let it rest for 5 - 6 hours @ 28⁰C.

Add all the ingredients (except butter) to the levain and on low speed, knead until it forms a rough dough.  Increase to sp 2 and continue to knead until smooth.

Add the softened butter, making sure it is fully incorporated.  Increase sp 3 and continue to knead until it reached windowpane stage.

Shape dough into a ball and bench rest for 10 mins.

Flip the dough and gently pressed down into a disc.  Fold the told sides, creating a rough triangle.  

Then roll down into a log that fits the desired pan size and place in Pullman tin.

Cover with cling wrap and proof until the dough fills 80% of the loaf tin for about 6-7hr @ 28-30°C.

Bake in the preheated oven at 180°C for 35 to 40 mins.


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