I wanted to incorporate Mung Bean into our diet as it is known to have many nutrients and able to aid many ailments. For Chinese, it is also known to lower body heat. So when I saw this Mung Bean Milk (绿豆沙奶), I decided to give it a try and see whether my kids take to it as they hated Mung Bean Soup.
It is also perfect for such a hot day too.
Learning experience:
I used 900ml water instead as I find 600ml with my pot was too little. Thus I omit out the hot water during mid time boiling.
50g sugar was just right for me but hubby prefers it sweeter. I thought suddenly came and I think adding a little gula melaka syrup will heighten the taste of this milk.
This is quite similar to the Taro milk that I had done before and love it.
Thanks B for sharing this nice recipe. We enjoyed this too.

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