Sunday 16 March 2014

Beef Salad

I prepared this Beef Salad back in 2008 and ever since then, it was forgotten.  It was so good but I somehow I don't know why I didn't attempt it again when I have parties.  Perhaps it is because my kids do not take spicy food back then.

I shared some with my friend DN and she liked it too.

As it is only hubby and I eating it I didn't prepare the eggs.  

What you need:

300g beef (minced or thin sukiyaki) 


5 dried chillies (soak till soft and pound into paste) - for spicer taste, add more
2 tbsp turmeric powder 
100g Gula Melaka (mashed into paste) - if you prefer sweeter, you can add more.
A pinch of salt 
5 shallots (slice very thin/ chop fine) 
1 tbsp sesame oil
1 tbsp oil


2 med sized cucumber (cut to thick strips)
3 hard boiled eggs (halved) 
2 tomatoes (quartered)


Mix ingredient A together and marinate the beef with it for at least half an hour.

Put the marinated beef together with all the sauce onto a baking tray and bake till cooked. 

Decorate plate with cucumber, tomatoes and eggs. Place beef in the centre.

Cling wrap and chilled in the fridge. Thaw a little before serving.

How was your weekend?


  1. Hi Edith, this is quite an unusual dish. I like the marinade and think it must be delicious.

    1. Lian, I love this very much and I already wonder why I don't make this often. Easy and super delicious.


Thanks for dropping by. Thanks.