Thursday 23 April 2020

Eggless Baked Doughnut

Circuit Breaker Day 17 

Today, I baked together with my girl.  Trying out this Eggless Baked Doughnut.

When I saw this recipe being shared, the first thing that came to mind is S's daughter.  She is allergic to eggs.

Decided to give this a go.

This is a heavily laced sugar doughnut!  I guess many kids love sugar! hahahah

Learning experience: 

A long proofing time I must say for this recipe.  Though the texture is soft it is not fluffy like those in K.  

It turns hard the next day so I gave it a steam (as being taught by CL) and we were able to finish it up.

Best consumed immediately.


What you need:
Yield 12 doughnuts

175g milk
45g oil
40g castor sugar
150g bread flour
100g plain flour
½ tsp instant yeast


Knead all the ingredients until smooth and pass window pane stage.  Shape into a ball.  Place in a bowl, covered and let it rest for 1 an hour or double in size.

Degas and rolled it out and cut with doughnut cutter.   

Place cut doughnut onto a lined baking sheet.  Covered and let is raised for 50mins until it puffed up almost double in size,

Baked for 15 mins at 170°C on the lowest rack.

Note: Baking time depends on the size of your doughnut, take note to not overbake them as it may turn dry.

When done, dip them into melted butter and cinnamon sugar.


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