Monday 20 April 2020

Camembert Mushroom Soup (3)

Circuit breaker Day 14

Last week, when I saw this Camembert Mushroom Soup posted by my ABC Cooking Studio's instructor W.  I knew right away I will try it!  Why?  Because I have a block of Camembert in the fridge!    The downside, I don't have button mushroom!  so the wait ......

At long last, my fridge finally has space for replenishment.  I am sure many out there, it is the same situation right now.

We tried to minimize going out as it poses lots of negative impact to society.  Praying each day, we will overcome this crisis.  

What you need:
Serve 6

2 pcs med size potato
½ pcs med size onion
4 – 5 pcs bay leaf
100g Camembert cheese
400g button mushrooms
1000ml chicken stock

2 tbsp cooking cream
Salt and black pepper
Fresh parsley for garnishing (I did not bother with this)


Slice mushroom and onion.  

Cut the potato and cheese into cubes.

In a soup pot, some olive oil and stir fry the onion and mushroom.
In a TM, add olive oil and onion.  Cook 2mins/100°C/Sp 2

Add in the bay leaf and cook for 2 – 3mins.
Add in mushroom.  Cook 3 mins/100°C/Sp2

Pour in the chicken stock.

Add in the potato cubes and cheese.  On low heat cook for around 30 mins.
Add in chicken stock, potatoes and chicken broth.  Cook 30 mins/90°C/Sp 3

Add in salt and black pepper.  Remove bay leaf.

Pour the soup into a blender and blend until smooth.

Pour into the pot again and bring it to a boil.
Blend at 2min/Sp4 -7 gradually

Serve with fresh cream and chopped fresh parsley.


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