Monday 24 April 2023

Crispy Nian Gao Waffle (1)

A few weeks ago, I tried out this Nian Gao Waffle and I like it.   The waffle place is always crowded and the chairs are really uncomfortable, definitely not a place whereby you can hang out with friends to chat.

At long last, the new waffle iron that I bought many years ago is put to use.  I have since retired from the thinner version.

Also, decided to use the TM to prepare the batter mix.  Unfortunately, my first attempt using 125g plain flour and 70g milk with 2 eggs failed.   Wasted so much of my effort as the texture is hard and dry.  I should have read some reviews on it but I overlooked it.  (somehow that advisor does not have any comments in her blog - haiz a mistake on my part).

Since I have nian gao left, I did another try.   

Learning: I should not bother to use TM for this recipe.   Way too many transfers as I have only one bowl.  

The texture for this is so much better.  It is light and fluffy but I will fine-tune it further to a texture that I prefer.   Family like it.

What you need:

3 egg white
3 egg yolks
1 tsp sugar
85g unsalted butter, softened
285g milk
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp salt
195g plain flour
30g cornstarch
½ tsp baking powder


Sift plain flour, baking powder, corn flour, and salt.  Set aside.

Whisk egg white until soft peak.  (butterfly whisk 40 sec/Sp 4)

Place egg yolks, and sugar in TM bowl.  10 sec/Sp 3.

Add in butter, milk, and vanilla. 10 sec/Sp 3.

Add in flour mixture. 20 sec/sp 3.

Scoop the batter onto the waffle iron (according to your iron size) and cook until golden brown.  

Dust with icing sugar and serve with fruits and ice cream.


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