Monday 7 December 2020

Blackout Brownie (Cakey version) and Bite

After the success of the Blackout brownie, today, I shall try another version, the Blackout Brownie (cakey version).

Not planning properly, I cannot find the base of my cake pan.  Left with no choice, I had to bake this into two tiny loaves and thus explains the flat out brownie.  Whatever size it may be, this is good.  Just need to watch the baking time carefully so that you won't dry out the brownie.

I kept forgetting that this recipe yield only a small portion so I bake this the second time, as hub and I finished it up the first round, leaving nothing for the kids.

This time, I found another baking tin and turned it into a brownie bite.  Yes, they do look ugly right?  But trust me, the taste and texture are far from it.  

This is going to be part of my pot luck item.  Easy peasy.

Remember to double the recipe for a full size

What you need:

65g melted unsalted butter
90g castor sugar
¼ tsp salt
1 egg, room temp
1 tsp vanilla extract
15g Valrhona cocoa powder
20g black cocoa powder
½ tsp instant coffee powder
1/8 tsp baking powder
12g water, room temp
25g plain flour


Chopped hazelnuts
Sea salt flakes


Preheat your oven to 180.  Greased and line a strip of baking paper on the tray cups.

Combine espresso powder and butter and melt the butter in the microwave.

In a mixing bowl, add the melted butter, sugar and salt.  Whisk until combined.

Sift in the cocoa powders, baking powder and mix until well combined. (do not whisk)

Mix in the egg, water and vanilla extract until well combined.

Fold in the flour until just combined with no flour lumps.

Spoon batter into each cup until it is filled 3/4 of the way to the top and topped with peanut buter or fillings of your choice.

You want to ensure each cup is only filled to ¾ of the cup.

Bake for 8 - 10 mins.

Let cool in the tin for 5 minutes before removing and cooling on the rack.

Enjoy it slightly warm or room temp.

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